­­AICE European History


The countdown to the AICE exam

3-4 potential college credits and saving at least $500



Paper (Part) 1                     Paper (Part) 2

                                            May ?                                  May 10

                                     Media Center                      Media Center






*How to do Paper 1A (exam day 1, the compare and contrast of two sources)


*Main videos covering every topic we'll study


*All the vocabulary we study


*Last minute reviews


*Previous years' exams




*AICE Euro Textbook Opt-Out Form (also known as “I don’t want to take a book home”)


*Required back to school forms for your period 1 teacher (online version)


*Free and reduced meals


*Bus registration


*Schedule change request form







Chapter 1 notes: The French Revolution, 1774-1814 (searchable)

Chapter 1 vocabulary words

Chapter 1 homework; including how to do the compare and contrast (on pg. 4)



Chapter 2 notes: The Industrial Revolution in Britain, 1750-1850

Chapter 3 notes: Liberalism and Nationalism in Germany, 1815-1871

Chapter 4 notes: The Russian Revolution, 1894-1921

Chapter 5: Preparing for the Exam, Paper (Part) 1 and Paper (Part) 2




Class Schedule

Periods 1-4 are on red days and periods 5-8 are on gold days


Wed., 9/18

1. Chapter 1, section 1.1 and 1.2 test (pencil and blue of black pen needed)

2. vocabulary cards 1-51 due as a test grade



Thurs., 9/19

1. Chapter 1, sections 1.1 and 1.2 test (pencil and blue or black pen needed)

2. vocabulary cards 1-51 due as a test grade



Fri., 9/20

1. review the Chapter 1, sections 1.1 and 1.2 test



Mon., 9/23

1. review the Chapter 1, sections 1.1 and 1.2 test



Tues., 9/24

1. read pgs. 29-31 from the textbook

2. h.w.- due by Mon., 9/30: #10

3. vocabulary- from the word Directory to Coup of Prairial, words 52-58 (put all of the chapter's

    vocab. words (all 66) on index cards (use 1 card per word; on 1 side put the vocab. word and on the

    other side write the definition); words 52-66 are due by the day of the last chapter 1 test, sections 1.3

    and 1.4, on Fri., 10/18 as a test grade; if you can't find the definition of a word or infer it from the

    text, search it up; please remember to number all of the chapter's vocab. cards (1-66) in the bottom

    middle in the order you create them, and please use a rubber band

4. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Fri., 10/11; all due at the beginning of the

    class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before Fri.,




Wed., 9/25

1. read pgs. 29-31 from the textbook

2. h.w.- due by Fri., 9/27: #10

3. vocabulary- from the word Directory to Coup of Prairial, words 52-58 (put all of the chapter's

    vocab. words (all 66) on index cards (use 1 card per word; on 1 side put the vocab. word and on the

    other side write the definition); words 52-66 are due by the day of the last chapter 1 test, sections 1.3

    and 1.4, on Tues., 10/15 as a test grade; if you can't find the definition of a word or infer it from the

    text, search it up; please remember to number all of the chapter's vocab. cards (1-66) in the bottom

    middle in the order you create them, and please use a rubber band

4. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Thurs., 10/10; all due at the beginning of

    the class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before

    Thurs., 10/10



Thurs., 9/26

1. no school

2. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Fri., 10/11; all due at the beginning of the

    class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before Fri.,




Fri., 9/27

1. read pgs. 32-34 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #10 due

3. h.w.- due by Tues., 10/1: #11

4. vocabulary- the word Abbe Sieyes, word 59 (put all of the chapter's vocab. words (all 66) on index

    cards (use 1 card per word; on 1 side put the vocab. word and on the other side write the definition);

    words 52-66 are due by the day of the last chapter test, sections 1.3 and 1.4, on Tues., 10/15 as a test

    grade; if you can't find the definition of a word or infer it from the text, search it up; please

    remember to number all of the chapter's vocab. cards (1-66) in the bottom middle in the order you

    create them, and please use a rubber band

5. videos:

              Napoleon Bonaparte: Crash Course #22 (from 0:55 to 2:47)

              The French Revolution: Khan Academy, part 4 (from 1:15 to 13:59)

6. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Thurs., 10/10; all due at the beginning of

    the class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before

    Thurs., 10/10



Mon., 9/30

1. read pgs. 32-34 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #10 due

3. h.w.- due by Wed., 10/2: #11

4. vocabulary- the word Abbe Sieyes, word 59 (put all of the chapter's vocab. words (all 66) on index

    cards (use 1 card per word; on 1 side put the vocab. word and on the other side write the definition);

    words 52-66 are due by the day of the last chapter test, sections 1.3 and 1.4, on Fri., 10/18 as a test

    grade; if you can't find the definition of a word or infer it from the text, search it up; please

    remember to number all of the chapter's vocab. cards (1-66) in the bottom middle in the order you

    create them, and please use a rubber band

5. videos:

              Napoleon Bonaparte: Crash Course #22 (from 0:55 to 2:47)

              The French Revolution: Khan Academy, part 4 (from 1:15 to 13:59)



Tues., 10/1

1. read pgs. 34-39 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #11 due

3. h.w.- due by Fri. 10/4, #12 (this is the last work of the 1st marking period; everything after this

    will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

4. vocabulary- from the words First Consul to plebiscite, words 60-62

5. video:

             The French Revolution: Khan Academy, part 4 (from 14:00 to 16:47)



Wed, 10/2

1. read pgs. 34-39 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #11 due

3. h.w.- due by Mon., 10/7: #12 (this is the last work of the 1st marking period; everything after this

    will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

4. vocabulary- from the words First Consul to plebiscite, words 60-62

5. video:

             The French Revolution: Khan Academy, part 4 (from 14:00 to 16:47)

6. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Fri., 10/11; all due at the beginning of the

    class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before Fri.,




Thurs., 10/3

1. no school



Fri., 10/4

1. read pgs. 39-41 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #12 due (this is the last work of the 1st marking period; everything after this will be counted

    for the 2nd marking period)

3. h.w.- due by Tues. 10/8, #13 (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

4. vocabulary- the word Concordant, word 63

5. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Thurs., 10/10; all due at the beginning of

    the class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before

    Thurs., 10/10



Mon., 10/7

1. read pgs. 39-41 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #12 due (this is the last work of the 1st marking period; everything after this will be counted

    for the 2nd marking period)

3. h.w.- due by Fri., 10/11: #13 (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

4. vocabulary- the word Concordant, word 63

5. the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period is Fri., 10/11; all due at the beginning of the

    class (no later), and please put the homework # on every homework; any concerns see me before Fri.,




Tues., 10/8

1. read pgs. 42-44 from the textbook

2. h.w.- #13 due (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

3. h.w.- due by Tues., 10/15, #14 (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

4. vocabulary- from the words Napoleonic Code to Legion d'honneur, words 64-66 (words 52-66 of the

    chapter's vocab. words on index cards are due by the day of the last chapter 1 test, section 1.3 and

    1.4, as a test grade, and please use a rubber band)

5. video:

             Napoleon Bonaparte: Crash Course #22 (from 2:48 to 15:53)

****PERIOD 7: Fri., 10/11 is the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period; please bring any

                             work to me before school or between class periods, but not during lunch; please put the

                             homework # on every homework



Wed., 10/9

1. no school



Thurs., 10/10

1. no school



Fri., 10/11

1. last day of the first marking period

2. read pgs. 42-44 from the textbook

3. h.w.- #13 due (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

4. h.w.- due by Wed., 10/16: #14 (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)

5. vocabulary- from the words Napoleonic Code to Legion d'honneur, words 64-66 (words 52-66 of the

    chapter's vocab. words on index cards are due by the day of the last chapter 1 test, section 1.3 and

    1.4, as a test grade, and please use a rubber band)

6. video:

             Napoleon Bonaparte: Crash Course #22 (from 2:48 to 15:53)

7. today is the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period; everything is due at the beginning of

    the class (no later), and please put the chapter # and homework # on every homework

****PERIOD 7: today is the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period; please bring any

                             work to me before school or between class periods, but not during lunch; please put the

                             homework # on every homework



Mon., 10/14

1. no school



Tues., 10/15

1. first day of the second marking period

2. review for the Chapter 1, sections 1.3 and 1.4 test

3. h.w.- #14 due (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)



Wed., 10/16

1. review for the Chapter 1, section 1.3 and 1.4 test

2. h.w.- #14 due (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period)



Thurs., 10/17

2. Chapter 1, sections 1.3 and 1.4 test (pencil and blue or black pen needed) (this will be counted for

    the 2nd marking period)

3. vocabulary cards 52-66 due as a test grade (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period); please

    use a rubber band



Fri., 10/18

1. Chapter 1, section 1.3 and 1.4 test (pencil and blue of black pen needed) (this will be counted for the

    2nd marking period)

2. vocabulary cards 52-66 due as a test grade (this will be counted for the 2nd marking period); please

    use a rubber band