AICE European History
The countdown to the AICE exam
3-4 potential college credits and saving
at least $500
Paper (Part) 1 Paper (Part) 2
May ? May ?
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*How to do Paper 1A (exam day 1, the compare and contrast
of two sources)
*Main videos covering every topic we'll study
*Last minute
years' exams
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(also known as
“I don’t want to take a book home”)
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1: The French Revolution 1774-1814
*homework, including
how to do the compare and contrast (on pg. 4)
2: The Industrial Revolution in Britain, 1750-1850
*section 1 class presentation (what we studied from in
*section 1 notes (the notes that I gave out that are
identical to the class presentation)
(only section 1 and section 2)
*extra credit test
study guide for the sections 1 and 2 test (due the day of the test
*extra credit test
study guide for the sections 3 and 4 test (due the day of the test
3: Liberalism and Nationalism in Germany, 1815-1871
4: The Russian Revolution, 1894-1921
5: Preparing the the Exam, Paper (Part) 1 and Paper
(Part) 2
Chapter 5: Preparing
for the Exam, Paper (Part) 1 and Paper (Part) 2
Class Schedule
Periods 1-4 are on red days and periods 5-8 are on gold
Fri., 11/22
1. start Chapter 2, section 3
2. pgs. 1-25 from the section 3 class presentation / pgs. 1-3 in
the notes
3. h.w.- due by Tues., 12/3: #6
4. vocabulary- from
the word census to Public Health Act of 1838, words 22-24 vocabulary- (words
22-44 of the chapter's vocab. words on
index cards are due by the day of the second chapter 2 test,
sections 3 and 4, as a test grade; please
use a rubber band, put the card number in the bottom left
corner of each card, and put the cards in
Mon., 12/2
1. start Chapter 2, section 3
2. pgs. 1-25 from the section 3 class presentation / pgs. 1-3 in the
3. h.w.- due by Wed., 12/4: #6
4. vocabulary- from the word census to Public Health Act of 1838,
words 22-24 vocabulary- (words
22-44 of the chapter's
vocab. words on index cards are due by the day of the second chapter 2 test,
sections 3 and 4, as a
test grade; please use a rubber band, put the card number in the bottom left
corner of each card, and
put the cards in order)
Tues., 12/3
1. pgs. 26-50 from the section 3 class presentation / pgs. 4-7 in
the notes
2. h.w.- #6 due
3. h.w.- due by Thurs., 12/5: #7
4. vocabulary- from the words House of Lords to constitutional
monarchy, words 25-27
Wed., 12/4
1. pgs. 26-50 from the section 3 class presentation / pgs. 4-7 in
the notes
2. h.w.- #6 due
3. h.w.- due by Fri., 12/6: #7
4. vocabulary- from the words House of Lords to constitutional
monarchy, words 25-27
Thurs., 12/5
1. pgs. 51-62 from the section 3 class presentation / pgs. 8-10 in
the notes
2. h.w.- #7 due
3. h.w.- due by Mon., 12/9: #8 and #9
4. vocabulary- from the word Tory to Factory Acts of 1844 and 1847,
words 28-32
5. the last day to turn in anything for the
2nd marking period is Fri., 12/13; all due at the beginning of the
class (no later), and please put the
chapter # and homework # on every homework; any concerns see me
before Fri., 12/13
Fri., 12/6
1. pgs. 51-62 from the section 3 class presentation / pgs. 8-10 in
the notes
2. h.w.- #7
3. h.w.- due by Thurs., 12/12: #8 and #9
4. vocabulary- from the word Tory to Factory Acts of 1844 and 1847,
words 28-32
5. the last day to turn in anything for
the 2nd marking period is Thurs., 12/12; all due at the beginning of
the class (no later), and please put the
chapter # and homework # on every homework; any concerns see
me before Thurs., 12/12
Mon., 12/9
1. start Chapter 2, section 4
2. pgs. - from the section 4 class presentation / pgs. 1- in the
3. h.w.- #8 and #9 due
4. h.w.- due by Wed., 12/11: #10
5. vocabulary- from the words to , words 33-
Tues., 12/10
1. 9th and 10th grade testing, periods 1 and 2
Wed., 12/11
1. pgs. - from the section 4 class presentation / pgs. - in the
2. h.w.- #10 due
3. h.w.- due by Fri., 12/13: #11
4. vocabulary- from the words to , words 33-
5. the
last day to turn in anything for the 2nd marking period is Fri., 12/13; all due
at the beginning of
the class (no later), and please put the
chapter # and homework # on every homework; any concerns see
me before Fri., 12/13
Thurs., 12/12
1. start Chapter 2,
section 4
2. pgs. - from the
section 4 class presentation / pgs. 1- in the notes
3. h.w.- #8 and #9 due
4. h.w.- due by Mon., 12/16: #10
5. vocabulary- from
the words to ,
words 33-
6. today
is the last day to turn in anything for the 1st marking period;
everything is due at the beginning of
the class (no later), and please put the
chapter # and homework # on every homework
Fri., 12/13
1. pgs. - from the section 4 class presentation / pgs. - in the
2. h.w.- #10 due
3. vocabulary- from the words to , words -
4. sections 3 and 4 extra credit test study guide
due (optional, but if you do it, you must do all of it to
get credit)
5. today is the last day to turn in
anything for the 1st marking period; everything is due at the
beginning of
the class (no later), and please put the
chapter # and homework # on every homework
Mon., 12/14
1. pgs. - from the
section 4 class presentation / pgs. - in the notes
2. h.w.- #10 due
3. h.w.- due by Fri., 12/13: #??
4. vocabulary- from
the words to ,
words 33-
4. sections 3 and 4
extra credit test study guide due (optional, but if
you do it, you must do all of it to
get credit)
Tues., 12/17
1. period 5 midterm: 7:40-9:40
2. period 6 midterm: 9:45-11:40
3. 11:40
Wed., 12/18
1. period 1
midterm: 7:40-9:40
2. period 2
midterm: 9:45-11:40
3. 11:40
Thurs., 12/19
1. period 7 midterm: 7:40‐9:40
2. period 8 midterm: 9:45-11:40
3. 11:40
Fri., 12/20
1. period 3
midterm: 7:40‐9:40
2. period 4
midterm: 9:45-11:40
3. 11:40
Mon., 12/23
- Fri., 1/3
1. no school